Whitby Lightning Clothing
Once again WGSA has partnered with Roy's Enterprise to offer our logo-emblazoned clothing online!
Does your child have a birthday coming up? Order some logowear. Would mom and dad like to show support for their daughter? Order some logowear. Click here to go to the clothing order form website.
If you would like to try on the clothing for sizing purposes please visit Roy's store at 1609 McEwen Dr in Whitby.
Long Term Player Development
WGSA has long been concerned with the physical fitness of our community and has been committed to providing fitness opportunities for girls from ages 5 - 24. Within the last few years Canada, through its participation with sports organizations, has also become committed to formalizing this ideal. Click on the picture above to see what is happening in this area.
Code of Conduct
The WGSA has offered girls the opportunity to compete, improve skills, improve fitness and, most importantly, have fun, for over thirty years. In that time we have been proud of the skill level of our coaches and players evidenced by our consistently high results in Select Tournaments and by the level of play in our house league program.
As an organization we continually strive to offer our membership more value for their dollar and will continue to strive to improve ourselves. One step forward in this ongoing process may be found in this year's players packages, which will be distributed by coaches: a new Code of Conduct for players and parents. These go along with the Codes of Conduct that are being signed for the first time by coaches and umpires of WGSA. As you read these you will unlikely find anything new or revolutionary. They are simply a formal statement of everyone's commitment to the same ideals: fairness, tolerance, respect and fun. By stating everyone's intent up front, we will all maintain our commitment to these worthy goals.